When I run Data Interoperability via Windows Task Scheduler, I receive an "ERROR : Python Exception <ExecuteError>: ERROR 160236: The operation is not supported by this implementation. Failed to execute (DeleteRows)." from my shutdown script.
When I run it manually in ArcPro, I do not receive any errors and everything works as expected.
Any suggestions?
Also, @BruceHarold -- is there a way to subscribe to your "What's New in ArcGIS Data Interoperability" blog posts?
Thank you!!
Hello Ashley
It seems you have struck an issue we haven't found a cause for:
If you open a support call the analyst can look at your workflow.
Re. subscribing, if you subscribe to the whole Data Interoperability board you'll get everything, and thank you for asking.
Hi Ashley,
Were you able to resolve this issue? I have been intermittently encountering the same error while running scripts through Task Scheduler and have been unable to determine the cause or a fix.
Thank you!
Any luck?