I have been working on a tool to pull an MS Access query and transform it into a Portal Feature Service. Had it working for a week, but now it does not work anymore. There is one specific problem...
There are 20 fields that contain a simple 1 or 0 in the Access db. When I export to CSV, all of the data in those fields is either a 1 or a 0 for every record. My Portal Feature Service is ready for those values in each of those integer fields with a domain (1=True, 0=False) . When I first made my Workbench Tool, it worked. I had an Access Reader, VertexCreator, CoordinateSystemSetter, Reprojector, and the Portal Feature Service Writer.
Now, for some reason, all of my 1 values are writing as -1 (negative one). I have no idea why. When I look at a table, I see "No" or "-1" now. The 0 (zero) is coming out right, but the 1 is being changed to a -1.
I have been tearing this tool apart, building new ones, to no avail.
I have found that the field type of all of these 1/0 fields coming out of the MS Access Reader are defined as "[yesno]". When inspecting the data of the reader and each of the Transformers, I see values of "Yes" and "No" for each. Seeing that the 0 is obviously making it into my Feature Service correctly, I thought that I could just open up the writer and in the Value entry for every one of these fields - and use the Arithmetic Editor and say [fieldname]*-1. Hey, 0*-1=0 (no change) and -1*-1=1 (yay, positive one). BUT alas, it said that I had a string calculation error - can't math "No"*-1. So - how is the No being converted to a 0 and the Yes being converted to a -1. (I am seriously confused now...)
So I found the AttributeValueMapper and, in one field, mapped "Yes" to 1 and "No" to 0. Ran the tool, and it worked.
Well - now I have to format an AttributeValueMapper for another 19 fields????
EDIT - Back in the office, trying to string a number of the AttributeValueMappers together and find that I cannot configure the newly changed value to map to the original field in the next AttributeValueMapper. Can't attach the "_looked_up" field to the correct field in the next one.
red represents field I want to pass from first AttributeValueMapper to the next.
Can I just use the same field name in the Destination Attribute to string them together?
This does not seem right.
What am I missing?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Adam you can chain two NullAttributeMapper transformers to do this, in one change 'Yes' to a new value 1 and in the other 'No' to 0. Somewhat unhelpfully BulkAttributeMapper is an alias name for the transformer.
Adam you can chain two NullAttributeMapper transformers to do this, in one change 'Yes' to a new value 1 and in the other 'No' to 0. Somewhat unhelpfully BulkAttributeMapper is an alias name for the transformer.
Thank you @BruceHarold ! I am finding that using FME for the first months is like when I started to use tools in ArcGIS Desktop. I know what I want to do - but what does Esri call it??? 🤣
Still strange why the reader is interpreting a field instead of just giving me a value.
Wait a while we'll rename it too 😉