Hello, I noticed that Revit Data are current available to be read in ArcGIS Pro. But what may be other use of the Revit Data among ArcGIS Pro instead of just visualizing detailed building model? I tried to carried out Shadow Impact Analysis on the Revit data, although the Check Shadow Task are available but don't understand why the Creating Shadow Panel task keeps on failing. It keep stated about my input data had mixed spatial references, but did some checking, the spatial references are almost the same. Is there anyone facing the same problem or had any answer to this? Please help....
Hello Hier,
The issue that you are having is because the BIM File Workspace (Revit) is a read ONLY data. If you want to implement the Shadow Task my recommendation is that you convert the BIM File Workspace to a GDB.
You can do this using the the GP tool call BIM file to Geodatabase (tool available after Pro 2.4)
Best regards,