Using ArcGIS 10.8.1 and taking the Transforming Data Using Extract, Transform, and Load Processes Course, Content "E - Perform a quick import/export section". I am following the video, step by step, and when I reach the point as stated below, the video has the name of the file auto-populate automatically in the dataset as a .pdf extension. Mine will not. I do have a license for this extension and am unsure how to resolve and fix this. What may be causing the issue, something I am missing or overlooking?
click Quick Export, add the file to use (Input Layer),
click OUTPUT DATASET (Specify Data Destination box opens),
In the Writer for format - click Adobe Geospatial PDF.
go to Dataset - unable to add or locate the file with the pdf as the extension for the file I was to use.
Please let me know if you need additional information to best answer my question if it has not confused you . Thank you.
The TOP image is from ESRI.
The Bottom is my end.
Zoran try navigating to a folder you know exists and replace the default path, the ellipsis picker will do that for you.
I have tried that, same result. See image/attachment
That message is normal, it just means the data wasn't a map layer with a selection, it looks like you got 22 features written to PDF.