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Why don't widgets show all records?

02-07-2015 06:34 PM
Deactivated User

I'm having issues with widgets not showing all records.  The feature service has about 150,000 records and it only shows a few thousand in any of the widgets.  Any ideas?

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor


Feature services have a max feature return value for query tasks so it may be this that is causing your issue. You can up the limit (default is 1000) but your application may take a hit on performance depending on the number of attributes your features have and how complex the geometry is.

Do some test with changing your max feature count value to see what works,



Frequent Contributor

Widgets like bar charts that only need to show a count should be able to take advantage of some of the capabilities of the REST endpoint like Return Distinct Values and Return Count Only to construct a bar chart quickly without needing to fetch any features from the server.

Deactivated User

Hi Ted,

Thanks for your reply.  Am I understanding you correctly that the bar char widget behaves this way currently?  Or are you suggesting that the widgets could be modified in order to take advantage of REST capabilities that they are not currently?



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Currently the widgets are limited to the service's feature limit.  Apparently the bar charts and pie charts are driven by the features that the client has locally.  I'm hoping a future version of dashboard takes advantage of some of the statistical operations available at 10.3 REST.  For example, just through REST, you can query a feature layer for a list of unique values in a field.  Then for each value you can requery the service to get the count.  That's all the data you need for a bar chart without having to download all the data (lazy loading).  Subsequent click events that trigger selections would then fetch the data, but not until needed.


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Deactivated User

Hi Anthony,

I'm very sorry for my late reply.  I will test what you have suggested and reply back with my results.  I'm in the middle of another project right now so I don't think I'll get to the testing for a few weeks.  Thanks for your help!



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