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What to use to make a GIS dashboard?

04-27-2023 01:27 AM
Deactivated User

Hi I am a grad student who has a fair amount of experience with data science. My research has taken me into the world of GIS. No one in my lab has ant GIS experience. I've been tasked by my advisor to make an interactive dashboard to showcase my research. I've been using python+geopandas for the GIS aspects of my analysis. I have an analysis pipeline written in python which output a Geo Dataframe with several columns of geometry information and many with other information. We want a dashboard with an interactive map and several plots next to it, the plots require customization beyond the default simple plots I have seen in arcGIS dashboards. Ideally the user would be able to mouse over places on the map and the corresponding elements in the plots would be highlighted and vice-versa.

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MVP Regular Contributor

This is a very broad question. You would benefit a lot from searching for introduction tutorials e.g.

More specifically you will want to:

  • Have access to a role in an ArcGIS Online organization. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a free trial, but need to consider the long-term implications of how you want to hosted it.
  • Create Hosted Feature Layers for your data, as well as Feature or other layer types for supporting/reference data.
  • (optional but recommended) create a web map
    • Add your layers
    • Configure pop-ups or disable them
    • Add symbology
    • Configure scale levels
  • Create your dashboard. Add a map, infographics, selectors, tables and other widgets to interact with the data. You can add actions, so that clicking part of an infographic filters your data. Lots of options here, but make sure you brand it - your logo, title, contact information, etc
  • Share the web map, layers and applications to groups within your organization, all members of your organization, or the public as required.

Let us know if you need more to get started. You can always come back with more specific questions later!