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"Data Download" for Dashboard in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1?

02-24-2022 11:50 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

With Dashboard in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1, I cannot find the setting to enable "Download data" in the Dashboard for Pie Charts etc. 

Is this not available yet for Dashboard with ArcGIS Enterprise?



11 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi @gluckett ,

This documentation may help, this is the last announcement made on the subject. If it isn't supported yet I would post the idea to have that function in the ideas section for dashboards. It would be something I would like to use too.  

God bless,


Jansen Lyons - Records and GIS Section - Public Works - City of Rio Rancho, NM
Emerging Contributor

Thanks.  Not sure it's available yet.

Regular Contributor

Also chasing this functionality for Dashboard with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1

Keen to hear from anyone who has a workaround if it's still not natively available. Our requirement is for users to download a shapefile (ideally, but any table will do) based on filters applied to charts or selections on the embedded web map

Honored Contributor

Unless something has changed you cannot download data from a dashboard.

I had a dashboard where data was requested.

I created a Web App and embedded it as a tile in the dashboard

Emerging Contributor
Yes, it seems only download from Dashboard with ArcGIS online and not
Enterprise with Dashboard website installed.
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Regular Contributor

Hi Robert, are you able to elaborate on the approach that you took with the embedded web app?

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Regular Contributor

Hi Robert, are you able to elaborate on the approach that you took with the embedded web app?

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Frequent Contributor

@RobertBorchert Any chance to see what that looks like or get some more information on how exactly you did that please? Thank you

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Frequent Contributor

This is a critical feature we've been waiting on. Downloading from embedded apps hasn't worked for us since downloads are blocked in an i-frame (and our computers don't allow changing settings). Plus Experience Builder tables are capped at 5000 records so those don't work. Any word on if this will be in 11.1?

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