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Operations Dashboard Widgets - Group or Summarize Data

12-11-2013 10:14 AM
Deactivated User
The widgets would be more functional if they could group/summarize features then graph/chart/list features.

Delivery routes where multiple line segments make up a single delivery route.
I want to use Dashboard to chart miles by route.  This would be simple if each route was a single feature, but because the route is made up of multiple features I cannot get one bar on the graph per route (see attached).

Please let me know if I am missing something or if you have a workaround that doesn???t require dissolving features.


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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Have you figured this one out? I am having a similar issue with a line feature class with one attribute that has values "Complete" and "Pending". I want to be able to show a bar chart with two (feature count) bars for  "Complete" and "Pending".


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