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Operations Dashboard unstable & (re-)login troubles

07-01-2013 12:05 AM
Emerging Contributor
Dear reader,
i've been trying to get the operations dashboard up & running but the general unstable behaviour has been keeping me back.

The OD crashes at random times, for instance it crashed when asked to perform the simple task of closing a dashboard.....

Furthermore when it crashes i seem to be unable to (directly-) login again. I'll have to wait for X m inutes before the "Invalid username" error has gone.

Any users with the same experience?

Running Windows 7 64
.NET 4.5 installed
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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor
Yes.  I have multiple users who experience the login problem that you are experiencing.

I specifically encountered two of the dreaded "blue screen of death" shutdowns in Win7, Pro, x64 when running the Operations Dashboard yesterday.  I have had program crashes before, but never a blue screen until yesterday.  I wonder if something was updated.  It would be nice to know, especially when I ramp up to a few hundred users.  At least a day warning would be nice....

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