Hi everyone
Are there any cool Operations Dashboard Demos that I (and everyone else) can use to quickly show the good stuff we can achieve with this tool?
Thanks in advanced and really sorry it this is a re-post.
Have a great week!
Kind regards,
A few you could start with.
Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Collector and Operations Dashboard Example
Hi Jayanta
Thank you very much for the reply.
Those links are not exactly what I was looking for. I want demos already built so I can just give a good idea of this tools capabilities.
Kind regards,
I've found some interesting stuff in the AGOL Gallery by the esri_dashboardpub user, amongst others.
Thank you
Hi Rui,
FYI: you might also be interested in doing the Learn.ArcGIS lesson on Operations Dashboard,
Monitor Real-Time Emergencies | Learn ArcGIS
Hope this helps,
Really good stuff Derek.
Thank you very much!