I would like to be able to find the Features in one FeatureSet that Intersect the Features in another FeatureSet
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal('https://www.arcgis.com'), '2dfsafas62fbd15', 1, ['*'], true);
var i = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal('https://www.arcgis.com'), '5c81afa1a04d438a9316dada1', 1, ['*'], true);
var intersectLayer = Intersects(i,f);
return intersectLayer;
I am obviously missing something as the above doesn't work.
Let me know what I am doing wrong here.
I think this will work for what I needed
// Samples: https://arcg.is/38SEWWz
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal('https://www.arcgis.com'), '22c15bddfadf42f262fbd15', 1, ['*'], true);
var i = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal('https://www.arcgis.com'), 'asdasdfafasdf', 0, ['*'], true);
for (var f in i)
var is = Intersects(f, fs);
return is;