Is anyone else seeing this issue? I guess the simple solution is to shrink the font size, but I thought the font would auto-adjust to it's window??
It should do! what version are you on and what environment? Maybe a browser issue?
This is an AGO-hosted dashboard. I see this happen in both recent versions of Chrome and Firefox. Our local news had our dashboard up on their screen last night and the numbers were cutoff
That's heartbreaking Mike
Only other guess might be any formatting tags you have for the display/font which might mess-up the auto resize? If so maybe select the font and colour from the options instead.
I'm not using any custom formatting. Just selected the font size and color from the dropdowns. I may submit something to Support.
Any resolution to this problem? In my experience the text in the indicator is cut off when the site first opens then looks normal of the page is refreshed.
I wasn't going to post, then saw it was you, Mike! Hi! I am running into the exact same thing. That is supposed to be a "d" at the end of Captured. It looked fine when I configured and even when I opened in my AGOL organization. When I open with it gets cut off. I tried different font sizes, even adding a blank space after the text. No luck. I haven't contacted support yet.
I had luck with this: Turn on advanced formatting. Add an underscore and a space after the text. Save. Remove the underscore. Save. Then I refreshed the app and the alignment was fine. I see on your example it's the number rather than the text. Maybe try adding some blank spaces at the beginning and end of the titles to make them wider? topText: ' Tested ',
This is happening to me too at the bottom of the indicator. The dashboard is embedded on our webpage. As someone above said, if I refresh the page, it looks correct, but on initial loading, it's always cut off. It doesn't matter how much I adjust the window or text size.
I've been encountering this a lot as well. It only seems to happen on the first load though, a simple F5 or if I've viewed it recently it'll be fine. This is such a huge aesthetic issue I'm wondering why it still seems to persist, or if there's some kind of workaround to get it to size correctly the first time.
I'm close to trialing a jank workaround where I find somewhere to host an HTML file which is just a dashboard imbedded with nothing else and does a refresh a second after the page loads the first time.