I created a complex dashboard in Beta not realizing the limitation on using url parameters on the map, which is critical to the functionality. Is there any way to copy the dashboard as a stable release version? If not, would there be any short cuts or alternatives to creating another dashboard from scratch? Thanks, cob
I have this same question. When I spoke to tech support they seemed to say it was not possible to convert a beta dashboard but I'd be curious to hear if there are any shortcuts or code we could copy over.
Hi @CharlescobBailey and @MAmlin ,
> Is there any way to copy the dashboard as a stable release version?
I just want to confirm that the workflow you're asking for: moving a dashboard from "ArcGIS Dashboards Beta" to "ArcGIS Dashboards" is not a supported workflow. The Beta release has different internals that is not compatible with the current "ArcGIS Dashboards" release. Sorry.
The good news is "ArcGIS Dashboards Beta" is scheduled to come out of beta very soon!
Hope this helps,