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Highlight Polygons from Feature Layer if Dashboard Filters Match

10-25-2023 02:03 PM
New Contributor

Good day, long time reader, first time poster.

I am creating a dashboard that displays events on a large campus with multiple buildings. The building outlines are displayed on the dashboard via an added Feature Layer. Events are added to the dashboard via Survey123, and one of the fields in said survey links to the building outline layer to tie the events to buildings.

Putting it all together, I would like the dashboard to highlight/modify the building outline if there is an event happening in that building on a given date (I believe I have the date filter working correctly).

On the Survey123 entry, I am also using the "Map" question where users can create a polygon if the event is outdoors; this is working perfectly with my existing filters, I'd just like to make the outline stored on the other feature layer change as well.

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