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Getting value from other layer based on value in $datapoint

07-10-2023 02:06 PM
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

Good Afternoon, 

I have hit a bit of a snag and wanted to check with you fine folks to see if I am completely effed or not. What I would like to do is the following:

- I have a list widget on my dashboard that displays the record data for the table it is associated to (Table BC). Now, there is related data that exists on a different table (Table BP) that I would like to pull and display on the list output. This type of functionality exists in Arcade as I have used it for popups in web maps, etc., but in the Advanced Formatting section of the List widget those Arcade Functions are listed as Not Available. So my questions there a work around? 

I fear I am being too vague. The table that is connected to my list widget (Table BC) contains records for all 'item checks'. The 'items' themselves are found in a different table (Table BP). On my list widget I am showing item_id, item_checked_date, item_checked_by, item_check_details. The List Widget by default shows all records until the user clicks on a different List WIdget that contains all the Items (the filter works off of the item_id that is present in both tables). However, I would like to pull in some Item details from Table BP into the Table BC list widget, but that functionality seems to be disabled in the Advanced Formatting section. I would think it would be a simple (using $datapoint.item_id, get the record from Table BP that has the matching item_id value, and from there return item_name, item_owner, etc. as  attributes that can be used in the List display.

Any help, guidance, etc. is greatly appreciated.


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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Is there a work around?

Yes! It's called a Data Expression. Check out this example:

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

This definitely seems like it may work. Thanks for sharing!!!! 

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