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Gauge gets to small to read.

12-14-2023 05:54 PM
Frequent Contributor

I've got a pretty simple dashboard with a set of gauges on it. Have had a few complaints, and I've verified myself that on some different screen resolutions, the gauge resizes to small to properly view. I was wondering if there is a way to prevent a gauge from getting too small, while still retaining the ability to resize for different screen resolutions. Something like a min_size setting or something...

Example where the top gauge is still readable, but not the bottom one:

SnipImage (1).JPG

Roger Asbury
Analyst/Programmer - Fairbanks North Star Borough
Tags (3)
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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Can you decrease the size in the description? It does seem like there's a lot of white space at the bottom of the gauge. What about changing them to horseshoe gauges instead? Or can you adjust the font size of the numbers?

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Occasional Contributor

The issue is that Dashboards and experience builders do not fit to individual screens (A real pain)

If you click in the address bar and use CTRL -, you can adjust to around 80% the gauge will come back to normal. 
It would be great if this issue could be fixed.

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Frequent Contributor

Looking through the options, I can style the title and description pretty much how I want. But the dashboard then encompasses what I've created withing div tags that I can't apply any styles. I'm guessing that's where the wasted white space that the gauge could be sizing into comes from.

What boggles my mind is I can look at this on my tiny iPhone screen and it works just fine, but if someone on a laptop resizes their browser window to small, and boom, broken image...


Roger Asbury
Analyst/Programmer - Fairbanks North Star Borough
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