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Filter by map extent not working with SQL Geometry

03-30-2021 02:12 PM
New Contributor III

I have a dashboard that I was asked to filter by map extent.    It is not working even though I had set up the map actions to do so.    

The data is stored in a SQL table (non Geodatabase) which seems to be the common denominator in the dashboards that are having this issue.

Is this a known issue with SQL data and dashboards?



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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

How are the layers being brought into the map? If you're trying to work with them spatially, your best bet is to add a Feature service as opposed to a Map Image service.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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New Contributor III

Josh,   Thanks for your response.   I am bringing the features in via an ArcGIS Server service from our onsite server.     I am using a feature layer.   Perhaps adding my URL in to a hosted feature layer, but do the trick.

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