I am working on a survey to feed a dashboard and I'm wondering what right should look like. Can a table from survey results without numerical data feed charts? I want to track account status (Yes/No/Paperwork Submitted), The status of systems (Functional, Needs Repair, DOA), and other items that don't consist of numerical inputs by default. Will I still be able to create bar graphs and charts from the data collected in my survey or will I have to create questions that produce numbers for charts to be able to display the data effectively?
I'm not sure if I am wording all of this correctly so if I need to clarify I will definitely do so.
Further Clarification:
Survey question option 1:
Account Status
Option 2:
Account Status
(Explanation of Numerical values IE: 1-YES 2-NO 3-Paperwork Submitted)
Is one better than the other?