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Data Source Error

05-03-2021 02:22 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor

I recently updated my Feature Layer (Hosted) which contains COVID-19 time series data for Zimbabwe using a configured GeoForm application. Soon after the update the Feature Layer (Hosted) started displaying a Data Error and not even one time is being displayed. 


The Service URL for this Feature Layer: 

This layer contains all the COVID-19 data for The Republic of Zimbabwe and is really crucial at this time. If anyone can assist in order for the Dashboards to be able to reference and get data from this Feature Layer it be really great. 

I have attached screenshots of the error. 

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2 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

Seems to display for me

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Emerging Contributor

Yes I noticed it displays information. I created a ViewLayer of the Feature Layer and everything is okay. Its the editable layer that is not displaying. It keeps saying There was an error

I guess the best way would be for me to backup the current and reconfigure all the dashboards that are retrieving data from this source which is what I was trying to avoid. 

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