Data Expression Needing to Return an Empty Feature Set

05-08-2024 08:44 AM
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Occasional Contributor

Is it normal behavior for a dashboard data expression to display "Unable to Execute Arcade Script" if it needs to return an empty feature set? When testing, the script executes as it should, it codes a dynamic indicator that at this point should display zero. Is there a workaround for this issue?

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Can you post your script? Does it return an empty FeatureSet or the number 0?

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Occasional Contributor

It returns an empty feature set. I created another script that returns an empty feature set and that one indeed works fine (thanks, @jcarlson!). It might be something in the script (or data, or most likely portal).  Here it is:




// declaring portal variable
var portal = Portal("");
// filter work order feature set for required fields
var fs = Filter(
  "STATUS LIKE 'Not Performed' AND PM_CODE LIKE 'SG-100SW-3'"

//generating an array of equipment values that have consecutive Not Performed cycles
var pairs = []
for (var r in fs) {
    var keys = r["EQUIPMENT"];
    var values = r["DATE_CREATED"];
    var keyvalue = {"key": keys, "value": values}
    Push(pairs, keyvalue)

var resultArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Count(pairs)-1; i++) {
  var current = pairs[i];
  var next = pairs[i + 1];

  if (Equals(current.key, next.key) && Abs(DateDiff(Date(current.value),Date(next.value), "days")) <= 93) {
    Push(resultArray, current.key);
//adding single quotes to the strings in the array so that the SQL filter recognizes them in order to match them to the equipment layer
var newFilter = [];
for (var i = 0; i< Count(resultArray)-1; i++) {
    var string = "'" + resultArray[i] + "'";
    newFilter[i] = string

var eqFilter = `EQUIPMENT IN (${Concatenate(newFilter, ',')})`

//filtering the equipment layer for the equipment values in the array
return Filter(FeatureSetByPortalItem(






This script works perfectly for two other PM codes, with 31, respectively 62 days. 


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

What is your expression actually returning? Can you share the code?

Returning an empty data expression is possible, and works just fine.



- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
Occasional Contributor

Today my other two data expressions, which were working perfectly, display the same error. SO IT IS DEFINITELY NOT THE CODE. 😀  (This issue is related to the other issue I posted, with the chart built on a data expression not interacting with other dashboard elements, issue to which Josh answered.)

(Also: thank goodness for the Arcade Playground...)

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