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Dashboard´s widgets show just a part of the existing data for differents time periods.

04-14-2023 04:41 PM
Emerging Contributor

ArcGIS Enterprise 11.

Hello everyone, recently an issue that affects the indicators and lists on our dashboards was detected. The trouble appears when we select an option of the date selector and that filter the widgets, time options are: Now, Today, Yesterday, 1 Month, 2 Months.

When "Today" option is selected, the widget shows all the records for 01:00 to 23:59, the data of 00:00 to 01:00 appears as records of Yesterday.

On Indicators the summarize is the count for the same time period (01:00 to 23:59) and the thing is, when it does the count there´s some data missing.

After I looked into it, I've found that this issue is not consequence of the filters applied to the source web maps, in all layers used as data source the attribute tables are complete.

Layers are setted at the right time zone, the service and the database shows the same date and hour in their respective date field, this issue only happens on Dashboards.

To compare this behavior we did several tests from another Enterprise installations (10.9 and 11) and then on AGOL. The issue repeats on Enterprise but that does not happen on AGOL which is signal that the data is not the problem.

My main question is: Is this problem part of an error on the workflow (with the dates) or is this an installation issue.

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