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Dashboard not displaying point data when filtered

07-02-2021 07:19 AM
Frequent Contributor

I built a dashboard that displays survey data. The dashboard map also contains shapefiles for specific areas. When i first built the dashboard I was able to filter survey results by those specific areas and zoom to them on the map. Now when the filter is selected the map zooms to the area but all of the point data from the survey disappears on the map. The information for the points located in that area still appear on the list to the left of the map and items selected from that list will appear in the embedded survey to the right of the map.




This issue appeared when the dashboard was switched over from what is now dashboard classic. I have messed with the refresh rate and other options for both the layer and the map it self. Any thoughts as to why this is occurring and what I can do to fix it.


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

It's difficult to fully understand what might be causing this behavior. Once the filter is applied and the points disappear, does zooming in or out cause the points to reappear?  From the description it does sound like the points are visible when the dashboard first loads. If not, a good test to help isolate the issue is to also open the map in the map viewer (not classic) to see if the issue is also noticed there.

If there is a sample dashboard that you can share, send by Private Message or share with Tech Support that would be helpful. 

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Frequent Contributor

When I zoom in and out the points still do not populate. The points populate as long as the filter is not applied. The issue only occurs when applying the filter to isolate a particular area on the map. 

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