Hello, I would like to create a dashboard data expression that combines a few dashboard data expression elements. I have a project buffer layer that I would like to intersect a Living Atlas layer. From the Living Atlas layer I would like to take an ordinal data field (e.g. good, better, best) and sum the occurrences. This way I can create a chart in my dashboard that is categorized by project buffer, per ordinal data field summed occurrences.
I am also wondering if this can order the ordinal data in the chart layout, because we cannot manually do this. And the data is coming from Living Atlas so I cannot create a custom order field.
My feature set dictionary should include Project Name and Buffer from my data, and sum attributes of ordinal data field attribute occurrences (good, better, best).
I have followed the online examples of spatial aggregation provided by Josh Carlson and scoured every article in this forum (and grateful for all of this), but I do not know how to add this additional wrinkle.
I think I need a GroupBy function, but not sure where.
Thanks in advance!