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Count number of one field and specific value from multiple layers

12-21-2023 04:26 AM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

hello all, 

i am looking for solution. that i have multiple layers with same field name (status). in status field i have 3 domain (completed ,not_completed,inprogress) so from each layer i want to count how many features are completed and show the total result from all layers in one widget. 
the below photo show the layers 


and i want to display  the total number of status=completed

1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You'll need to use a Data Expression. But it is absolutely possible to do what you're describing.

The linked expression works for a Serial Chart, but could just as easily be used to show a value in an Indicator.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS