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Configure Image in Details Element

12-03-2019 01:59 PM
Occasional Contributor

About a year ago I created a dashboard to display proposed or approved projects or those that are under construction. The feature layer in connection with that dashboard was corrupted and I had to reconnect the dashboard to a new feature layer. In my original version I had the selections from the list element filter the detail element. The detail element would display the project status, name and image of the proposed project. The image was also configured to link to a project details page on the City's website. 

I have reconfigured the dashboard, however I cannot get the details element to display in the way that it used to. The image displays and the link works, but the image does not fill up the entire details element like it used to. The image is cut off and a scroll bar appears. Is there anyway to get the image to appear at the correct size?

White Plains - Projects and Proposals Dashboard

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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi there,

First, very nice Dashboard - thanks for sharing! May I help promote and share it over social media?

> ... however I cannot get the details element to display in the way that it used to. The image displays and the link works, but the image does not fill up the entire details element like it used to. The image is cut off and a scroll bar appears. Is there anyway to get the image to appear at the correct size?

There hasn't been any change to the behavior of the Details element. And this is the first we've heard of this behavior.

  • Which web browser are you using? Is it the same as before?
  • Do you observe the same behavior in other web browsers? Can you please test?
  • Is the source feature layer the same? (e.g., hosted vs. from ArcGIS Enterprise)

Hope this helps,

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Derek, 

I just saw this post...I was able to fix the issue by hosting the images in my content, linking the URL to my layer and referencing the link using image properties from the list view.

Feel free to share the dashboard or any other content I've created.


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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @WhitePlains_Planning

I'm glad to hear your issue is resolved.

Feel free to share the dashboard or any other content I've created.

Thanks! Do you or your organization have a Twitter account I can tag? No worries if not, but I wanted to check.

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Occasional Contributor

Sure, the City's handle is @cityofwp

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