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Can Widget data sources operate on selected features or features that are clicked

10-07-2013 09:28 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi - can the widgets, like the gauge, be set up so the datasource changes to the selected or active feauture when the map is clicked?  It looks like they operate on the entire feature layer by default


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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I got this to work by making the datasource a select list.  I still dont know if it will work with the map though
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Pete -- You can have the gauge work with the selected feature on the map. When configuring the map, make sure you check the "Selectable" check box for the layer. Then when you configure the gauge, you will see an option for the layer's selection in the Data Source drop-down list. Choose the layer's selection for your data source, and the gauge will reflect the data for the selected feature on the map.
Esri Education Team
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