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Automatic Dashboard Updates?

03-06-2013 01:08 PM
Frequent Contributor
There was an announcement today about the updates to the Operations Dashboard with a link to download.  I thought that this application was going to be updated automatically as updates were made available.  Is this now not the case?

If it IS going to updated automatically, could someone post the current version number so that we can check that the update is applied?  Right now, I have
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS update was released yesterday along with Collector for ArcGIS update 10.1.11.
Yes, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS is automatically updated when you launch the application (if update is available); the download links are provided in Blog announcement for customers who haven't yet installed the application. 

Apps Group hopes you enjoy the updated apps and new Resource Center pages.

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Emerging Contributor

Yes, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS is automatically updated when you launch the application (if update is available); Denise

Since there is no way of telling what version of OD we are running, does the user receive an notification when the application has been updated? Reason for me asking is we am experiencing very unstable behavior and i would like to know/recieve a notification on update so i can check the changelog.....
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Esri Contributor

To verify your version of Operations Dashboard , click on the File menu --> Account --> Product version will appear in that window.
The user should be prompted if there is an update to the application. There have not been any updates

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