Can anyone help teach an old dog some new tricks?
I am trying to set-up my Dashboard to show sites using different colours based on the most recent values captured (stored in a related table). We capture a reading every month that should fall within a certain range. I would like to use colour on my map to show the sites that are higher than and lower than the range. I can then select the sites I am interested in to look closer at the data (using lists and bar charts).
I have been able to achieve this using the Analysis tool in AGOL Map Viewer by joining the site to it's related table then using the Counts & Amounts Style and Above & Below Theme but I want my dashboard to automatically be updated (and symbolised) based on most recent data not have to run Analysis each time I have new data. Any workflows or suggestions would be much appreciated.
In Map Viewer Classic, Analysis -> Summarize Data -> Join Features, and check the box for "Create results as hosted feature layer view". Then just apply whatever symbology you want to your created view, and use that view in the webmap that feeds your dashboard.
Thanks for the response Brennan.
I did as you suggested but still appear to have a layer that is a snap shot in time that does not update when the records are updated. I did a bit more homework and it appears what is created when you do the Analysis -> Summarize Data -> Join is a read only (view) layer. See below. The layer does have a rerun analysis option but then you must rename so not what I want. Am I missing something?
In the screenshot you posted, it says "...hosted feature layer view allows the data to stay up to date as the source data changes." This means it will dynamically update if you update either the sites layer or readings table that went into creating the view. It is read-only in the sense that you can't make any data changes directly to the view itself, only the underlying sources.
In the Join operation, what options are you using? Make sure you are joining in the most recent reading to each site.