I am trying to create an Arcade data expression in a Dashboard. I am trying to calculate an average Trees/Acre for each Stand.
var p = 'https://maps.arcgis.com'
var itemId = 'a8af124e92af44579e3fd07bb59ebb4c'
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal(p), itemId, 0, ['Stand_No', 'Tally', 'Plot_Configuration', 'Plot_Name', 'Plot_Status', 'Plot_Size'], false)
var Mach = Filter(fs, 'Plot_Size = 0.01 * 10000')
var Hand = Filter(fs, 'Plot_Size = 0.02 * 2500')
return GroupBy(fs,['Stand_No','Plot_Configuration'],[{name: 'TallySum', expression: 'Tally',statistic: 'SUM'},
{name: 'TCount', expression: '1', statistic: 'COUNT'},{name: 'MachAcres', expression: 'Mach', statistic: 'AVG'},
{name: 'HandAcres', expression: 'Hand', statistic: 'AVG'}])
For each individual 'Stand_No':
For Example: StandNo = 02331254
Thank you!
Isn't it just a common calculation based on divisions of 100 i.e. 100/0.01, 100/0.02, 100/PlotSize ?