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Arcade Expression with &&

11-08-2022 01:32 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable


I am writing a very simple Arcade expression, but I am stuck. Basically, if the camp close date is empty and the post date is greater than 2 days, I want the background color to turn red.  I am doing this in the dashboard list.

I get the error unexpected token on the return. If I delete it, I get it on the textColor. 


var currentdate = now()
var postdate = Date($datapoint.firstpostda1);
var twodayslater = DateAdd(postdate, 2, 'days');

var pastduecolor = IFF((IsEmpty($datapoint.campclosedate)&&(currentdate > twodayslater), "#BE2528", "");

return {
textColor: '',
backgroundColor: pastduecolor,
separatorColor: '',
selectionColor: '',
selectionTextColor: '',
attributes: {
attribute1: pastduecolor



Thank you for your help. 


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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You appear to have an extra "(" in your IIF

var pastduecolor = IFF(IsEmpty($datapoint.campclosedate)&&(currentdate > twodayslater), "#BE2528", "");


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thank you. I deleted the "(" but I still get same errors.


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Oops, one other error. The function is "IIF" not "IFF"

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