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Aggregating Data in Dashboard

02-02-2014 10:51 PM
New Contributor

I have created an Excel sheet with the Sales information for our plots including the Sales Man and the selling price for each plot. I have already shared this excel sheet as a layer and created a webmap from it.

This webmap is embedded in my operations dashboard view. I need to create a widget that can show me total sales per sales man as an indicator on the dashboard. However am not able to, I tried using query which only does one selection and I cant do any further operation on the selection like summation.

Any thoughts on how this could be done,or do I have to it in arcgis online?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Did you publish the excel data as a feature service when you added it to your web map?  If so, you should be able to use this layer as a data source for your widgets in the Operations Dashboard.  If not, I suspect you added them as features in the map; these are stored as part of the map rather than as a feature service.  The Operations Dashboard requires that you use feature services (version 10.1 or higher) as data sources.  In the upcoming release, you'll also be able to use dynamic map services.  These sources provide the necessary statistics capabilities needed as data sources.

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New Contributor
I should try this, but I think its already published as a layer by itself. (the excel sheet I mean)

Actually I did a work around for the time being, I did a couple of queries but static ones with each sales man name, and once its executed I select the features on the map, then I added another widget to sum all the selling price of the units.
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