Mobile Display Options for Operations Dashboards

03-16-2020 07:51 AM
Status: Implemented
Regular Contributor

Operation Dashboards continue to be a great solution, with technology improvements in every release from Esri.  However, the inability to render detailed Operation Dashboards effectively on mobile devices continues to be a shortfall for dashboards.  To be clear, Operation Dashboards load on mobile devices, but the display options for widgets and the overall layout are no different than the desktop views.  This creates issues for many users who have target audiences that largely use mobile devices over desktop.

As example, below is a dashboard rendered on a desktop machine with a 21" monitor:

It's easily to make out the dashboard components, read the data and navigate.  The same dashboard appears like so in a landscape view on a Samsung S10e:

It would be great to have a desktop and a mobile display option when making dashboards.  Similar to how Web AppBuilder and other application templates offer the ability to visualize and make adjustments based on mobile display.  The alternative would be to offer a Mobile Dashboard Builder.  One that is optimized to use the viewport and render as if the dashboard was only to be used on smaller screens.  This could limit the number of widgets that are actively present, add additional navigation controls to view different groups or areas of the dashboard, etc.


I agree. Ialso think it would be useful if Esri just added a mobile toggle switch to each element that would tell Operations Dashboard when to include that element. When someone loads the dashboard on a phone, only elements with "mobile" selected would render. When the same person loads the dashboard on a computer, they would see all the content. That way dashboard developers could prioritize the most important content for mobile devices without having to oversimplify the desktop version of their dashboard.

Status changed to: In Product Plan
Status changed to: Implemented

In the June 2023 update, dashboards now support a mobile view. Please note, only portrait orientation is currently supported.