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Export and Import Operations Dashboard

09-27-2020 08:40 PM
Occasional Contributor

It is a need of the hour that there should be a functionality to export configured Operations dashboard (say in xml) and to import with necessary modifications (service urls etc.) in other PFA / AGOL account. Otherwise, it needs to be reconfigured, in case there is a change in PFA / AGOL account.

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Yes...this is very much required..


It is the same need we have when using a dashboard, at least one screen capture option that can be downloaded, sent or shared. As well as being able to incorporate the same widget for viewing and exporting the data to csv.


Yes , it is really helpful functionality and it will help reducing the efforts also for migrating the same on another site enable the re usability.


You can already do this. The JSON that defines it is available via the arcgis API or the AGOL Assistant. You can modify that and use it to create a new dashboard with the arcgis API. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Dashboards team is currently considering ways to expose ability to automate certain workflows (such as updating a dashboard with new data sources).