Chart Domain (Category Axis) Defined Intervals and Label Formats

07-12-2018 11:27 AM
Occasional Contributor

The Range (Y / Value)  Axis of the charts have feature to define starting value, label formatting, and interval. Oftentimes, the Domain (X / Category) Axis is also numeric, especially for XY Plots, and would benefit from having the same features of being able to define the interval, starting value, and label format. Currently, there is no way to set the formatting and the interval is automatically defined.



Despite dashboard recognizing my category field as a numeric (decimal) field, the graph just picks up all the numbers it finds in my records and puts them next to each other.

As seen above, the intervals between the numbers are inconsistent. If the value axis can have equal intervals, the category axis should be able to as well. If we can define the intervals, even better.

As for the other features, I think that the category axis should at least have the functionalities of the value axis. The value axis features currently include options to set a minimum and maximum value, have a logarithmic scale, and format labels according to a set pattern and prefix. These are useful features that the category axis should have too.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Please note that the labels displayed on the category axis can be overridden if you click the Load Categories button on the Category Axis tab. Note, however, overriding is done on a category by category basis (and not based on some set prefix/suffix).  

(The other aspects of this request will be reviewed and are under consideration) 
