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Category, Number, Date Selectors as stand-alone elements - Dashboards for ArcGIS

04-20-2020 12:32 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor III


It would be nice to have the Category, Number, and Date selectors available outside of a Header or Side Panel. I'd like them to still be available in the Header and Side Panels, but also as individual elements that can be moved and resized.

Selectors in the Header Panel don't always fit well and the Side Panel has no flexibility when it comes to resizing - or moving. You can't even select Left or Right side for the layout.

This would also allow Selectors to be near or grouped with other elements they impact. Very handy if you have stacked groups of elements...




We have a dashboard that contains multiple tabs (maps+lists+serial charts stacked on top of each other and grouped). Right now I can only add Category Selector(s) at the dashboard-level in a header or side panel, meaning I can't have individual Category Selectors show up only on a specific tab with data that applies to it. This enhancement would be useful.

There is a workaround where I could embed dashboards within dashboards via the Embedded Content option, but this presents other limitations that won't work for us.


Yes. Yeeeeees! You *could* set up a list as a selector, but they always end up looking clunky compared to the selector options.