Add Refresh Interval option for Lists with standalone tables

05-08-2024 12:32 PM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

I'd like to see the option to add a refresh interval to data in List elements for Dashboards that are not part of any map. Currently in Dashboards, the List element does not have the option to set a Refresh Interval. This is not a problem when working with data from a Web Map as you can set the refresh interval from the map itself. However, when a table is added to a List in a Dashboard from outside of a map, there is no way to refresh the data in that List without refreshing the whole page. This affects live data the most.

For context, I have a scrolling, multi-page Experience Builder application that uses Dashboards that don't contain any maps and instead places the maps in the Experience Builder app. I've embedded Dashboards that only contain Lists into this Experience Builder app to track progress on hydrant flushing and general hydrant maintenance inspections. Each List shows progress of hydrant flushing in predefined zones that operators update from the field by completing work orders. The main reason I'm using the List widget in Dashboards is because it allows the use of Advanced Formatting to perform calculations to display data dynamically which is something I can't quite get in Experience Builder using other methods. There are also a few elements that need to interact with the map to update and filter data so unfortunately, I can't place the List and Web Map together in the same Dashboard to take advantage of the Refresh Interval functionality of a web map to display live changes to the data in the List.

Using the refresh functionality of embedded pages is currently the work around I'm using to refresh the data displayed on these Dashboards, but that resets the view of the dashboard such as where a viewer is scrolled to in the List and what tab they were on (admittedly this is a minor inconvenience, but I'd like to avoid if at all possible). I've included a picture to hopefully help illustrate my situation a bit better. 

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