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What's new in version 1.1?

08-20-2018 05:42 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
0 0 1,811

ArcGIS Companion  v1.1 just went out. We have added some new features and improvements to the app. Here are the highlights of the release

1) Folder Support - With v1.1 you are now able to browse your content within individual folders you have created in your Organization (Org). Also if you auto sign in it remembers your last browsed folder. 

To browse content in your folders, go to the content tab and select a folder from the drop down menu. Along with the folders you also have access to the My favorites and My organization content.

2) Invite users to Org [Administrator only] - This has been one of the requested feature, the ability to add or invite users to your Org. In v1.1 we have added the option to "Add member and notify them via Email" which is 1 of the 3 options currently available in ArcGIS . The other options will be available in the next release. 

Sign in to the Org as an admin > switch to Org tab > Under members tab > tap on Invite member

3) Showing Authoritative and Deprecated content - ArcGIS Companion now displays public Authoritative content along with the Org name which has recommended the content. It also displays any Deprecated content within or outside the Org.

4) Filter members in Org or group - Another requested feature is to filter and sort members based on roles and perform sorting. This has been added both when viewing and searching Org members and group members. 

Go to Org members tab and tap on the filters option to choose the filtering based on roles and levels. You can also choose the sort order between member name, last login and level. Alternatively, you can tap on search icon and then add filters and sort option to leverage filtering and sorting within search members. This works the same way for group members within groups.

5) View Credits [Administrator only]  - Along with the total credits, administrators can now also view credits consumed in the last 30 days and in the last 24 hours. This is available under the overview section of the Org tab.

Exciting new features are coming in the next release and beyond. Please continue to provide your feedback through GeoNet or email us at Thank you.