Hi. We really like the new agol editing capability that allows us to have a feature layer that is both publically view-only and editable by a small group of people. However, as we understand it, this solution requires a layer that is not editable be opened in an agol web map with “editing enabled” in order to edit it, so it seems it won’t work in Collector. Collector requires a saved web map and this special editing access is not stored in the web map.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there another way to approach it to be able to use Collector with this editing scenario (publically view-only and group-editable feature service)?
Any help is appreciated.
i believe your solution is to use the 'map service' in the view only version and the 'feature service' in collector.
when you publish a map service as a feature service 2 services are actually created. you can view these in your rest end pts. here is an example. note the duplicate names in this list
Hi. Thanks for the information. I should have made it more clear that we are hosting the data in ArcGIS Online so we don't have that option.
You can have the same editable feature service and create different webmaps. One webmap is configured to be editing disabled for public users while the other webmap is editable for Collector.
Thanks for the idea. However, I believe that only works if users use your web maps and not just open the data in their own web maps or other editing clients.
Just to clarify, the new agol configuration that allows a single feature layer to be editable and view-only works fine in agol. We just want to use a feature layer configured that way in Collector.
You are right. I would suggest you put your request at Esri Arcgis Ideas | Ideas Submission Portal .