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"Replica with GUI .... does not exists on the server" Error?

08-05-2014 05:37 PM
Frequent Contributor

We're finally getting into large user number testing/training and this one pops up.

"Replica with GUID ({556B267C-FF6F-4B9C-9C54-D3A05FFBB9A5}) does not exists on the server."

I had made an offline copy before the training occurred.  About two days ago.  Since then we've had 10 people hop onto the Collector map (online only) and draw heaps of features.  When I went to sync the offline copy this morning it pops up with unknown error has occurred.   Looked at the AGS logs and see the above.

Deleted the local offline content on the iPad and it still wouldn't download - just another unknown error.   I then hopped in online to the map looked around then got out and then it would sync successfully.

Any ideas?   Can your offline replica expire on the server?

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you go to your layers REST endpoint and see if the the GUI exists under the ?

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Frequent Contributor

No doesn't appear to be.

But in case I'm doing something wrong, should the following url have all the replicas listed or do I use something like the second url?

If you restarted a service would you lose the replica?  I'll keep an eye out for when/if it happens again.{556B267C-FF6F-4B9C-9C54-D3A05FFBB9A5}

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Esri Notable Contributor

You wont want " { " in the URL when looking for the replica if you are using the full URL. You will also see the replica GUI listed in the /replicas view on the service.

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