Is it possible to take a Tiled Map Service offline outside of sideloading?

03-19-2014 03:37 PM
Deactivated User
I understand how to take a tiled map service offline using the sideload method which unfortunately is way more steps that I think most people will and want to take.  Feature Services are super easy to quickly take offline, but I'm not seeing a way to easily download a tiled map service outside of the sideload tpk file method.
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10 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
If you are using one of Esri's default basemaps in your web map the app will let you define an extent and level of detail and it will take that defined area offline. You will be able to do this with your own tiled services with an on premise ArcGIS server 10.2.2 in April when it is released. We will support exporting hosted tiled services in a future release.

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Deactivated User
Thanks for the reply Russ.  So by saying exporting a hosted tile service in a future release, are you saying from a ArcGIS online subscription published hosted tile service?  Basically it would work similar to how taking feature services offline right now?
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Esri Notable Contributor
Yup it would be just like the workflow you are seeing today with hosted feature services and the Esri basemaps.

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Regular Contributor
Russ to follow up on your answer is it possible to create a tpk file using Image Service tiles from my desktop and side load those? I tried following the instructions on how to create local tpk files using your own local data and that works fine (albeit slowly) but it wouldn't let me build a local cache using ArcGIS Online basemaps. Can we only build those on devices?

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Honored Contributor
...a follow up, and releated question.  When I tried to take offline a Esri supplied basemap, via the app it gave me the options of extent, then detail.  However, I obviously went over some limit somewhere as it wouldn't allow me to download the full extent I was interested in at the detail I wanted.

Is this setting a Collector setting or is it something on the tiled map service?  If the latter then can we control it in 10.2.2 ourselves for our own tiled map services?

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Esri Notable Contributor
The export setting is set at the service level. If you have your own custom tiled service in 10.2.2 you can define your own export tile limit under the advanced options.

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks for the info.  Is it currently possible to side load downloaded basemaps to another device?  In other words a user takes an existing map offline with a portion of the basemap.  Can you use the sideload method to connect the iPad to iTunes, copy the basemap, and then plug in a different iPad and paste it on there?  I have tried and seem to be doing something wrong.  Or maybe it is not possible.

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Deactivated User

It is possible.  Downloaded basemaps are in the "Basemaps" folder on the device.  You can save this folder to your computer using iTunes.  Then you can use the Finder to look inside the folder and find the .tpk file for the downloaded basemap.  That .tpk file can be side loaded to any iOS device that has Collector following the basemap side loading process  (described here)

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Frequent Contributor

ahh, that's what I was missing.  I didn't look into the folder for a tpk.  Thanks so much I got it working.

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