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Is it possible to change symbols in collector mobile apps while in the field? In order to show that a feature has been inspected or checked?

07-18-2018 09:03 AM
New Contributor

In a public works setting. I am checking and inspecting a myriad of points in the field.

I would like to be able to change the color or the symbol of these points after they have been checked. This would enable me to quickly glance at the map and see where I have been, and help decide areas that need attention.

I am using Collector on a Samsung Galaxy Tab-E. 

Thanks for your time.

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Mike, 

A potential way of doing this would be to

If you want to keep the original symbols, you could have the layer added twice to the Collector Web Map, symbolise one by the Y/N field and make it uneditable. You'll only be editing the original layer in Collector but the symbology below it will update, something like this:
