I exported from GDB every single photo: ATT1_photo1.jpg... etc to a windown folder. Now I really appreciate knowing how I can know which photo belongs point. For example, me feature class is about tree, point, I took 3 photos for a tree...so I want to know which photo is relative to point
If the photos were saved as an attachment, there should be linking information in the attachment table. It should contain the point's object an global IDs. I use a Python script to export photos which grabs the associated IDs and uses it to rename photos so the link is retained in the file name.
In fact, I exported with a script the photos from GDB:
Also, I can see in the attachment table, how a specific "REL_GLOBALID" (which is the point to which the photos are related to) is repeated to the GLOBALID for all 3 photos.
But, my problem is that the script above does not link or keep the GLOBALID of each photo; the result is a ".jpg" file where the name is (for example) "ATT93_Foto1.jpg".
Can you tell me please the script that exports the photos and keeps the "GLOBAL ID" in the name o generates a table where I can see them.
Thanks you so much.
Here's the script that I use. It does read information from the parent table to get the Object ID along with the attachment's ID to use in renaming the photo.
import arcpy, os
masterFC = r'C:\Path\to\file.gdb\feature'
masterFlds = [ 'GlobalID', 'OBJECTID' ]
relatedTbl = r'C:\Path\to\file.gdb\feature__ATTACH' # two underscores
saveLocation = r'C:\Path\to\save\attachments'
# Use list comprehension to build a dictionary from a da SearchCursor: { 'GlobalID': (OJECTID,), .... }
masterDict = {r[0]:(r[1:]) for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(masterFC, masterFlds)}
# print masterDict
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(relatedTbl, relatedFlds) as cursor:
for item in cursor:
# item[3] is Content Type
if item[3] == 'image/jpeg': # process only images; where clause can also be used to limit results
# item[0] is related GlobalID; take first item in masterDict tuple with that key
f1 = masterDict[item[0]][0] # this is the ObjectID of parent record
f2 = item[1] # this is the Attachment ID
# make new filename
fileName = "ATT_{}_{}.jpg".format(f1, f2)
# print filename
# save the image to the desired location
saveName = os.path.join(saveLocation, fileName)
f = open(saveName, 'wb').write(item[2].tobytes())
del cursor
del item
If there is a short text item in the parent feature that would also be good to have (an id code field, or tree species, for example), the code could be easily modified to include that information in the file name.
# change line 4 to add field
masterFlds = [ 'GlobalID', 'OBJECTID', 'TreeSpecies' ] # field names, not alias
# dictionary would be { 'GlobalID': (ObjectID, 'TreeSpecies',), ...etc... }
# lines 23-25
f2 = item[1] # this is the Attachment ID
f3 = masterDict[item[0]][1] # tree species (if format is appropriate for file name)
# make new filename
fileName = "ATT_{}_{}_{}.jpg".format(f1, f2, f3)
While this is not a "script tool", it can be made into one. Hope this helps.
Thanks you so much, I'll try with this script and I'll comment my result. Really appreciate your help.
This script also does this, but communicates with the hosted Feature Layer directly. By default the Object ID is output as part of the output, but Global ID's can also be used.
It was exactly that what I need!!. Now I know which photo (s) is relative to every single element. Thank you so much!