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creating feature service from existing point data

10-06-2014 09:56 AM
Deactivated User

I have an existing layer of point data that a client wants to add to in collector.  I know how to make a blank feature service for collector with drop downs using the domains but I am not sure how to use already existing data. Thanks.

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8 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Jerry,

What type of data are you working with?  For example, a hosted feature service, file geodatabase feature class?

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Deactivated User

Hey Jake,

Typically I work with a file geodatabase feature class and publish from an mxd.  I tried making the layer a hosted feature service and I am able to edit it but I am not sure how to add the drop downs with this option.

Thanks for your help.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Before publishing the data as a hosted feature service, you will want to create the domains in the File Geodatabase and add to the desired fields.  When you publish the data as a hosted feature service, you will have the dropdowns when editing.

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Deactivated User

Thanks for the quick reply Jake.  I have set up collector several times in the way you mention and it works great when I need to start with an empty layer that will be populated by collector. My problem is starting with point data that already exists. Is there a way to add the data as a feature class to the file geodatabase with the domains set up? To give some background- the client provided us with a spreadsheet that he made using a GPS unit. He wants to continue collecting data but using collector instead of a GPS unit. I wanted to migrate the existing data into collector so the client could continue where he left off. I have the data as point file now. 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

I'm not sure if I'm following you exactly, but it won't matter if you are working with an empty feature class, or a feature class that contains data.  The workflow will be the same:

1.  Add domain to File Geodatabase

2.  Apply domain to field

3.  Publish as a hosted feature service

4.  Create a web map

5.  Collect features using Collector

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Deactivated User

Using that method does not allow for drop downs. I figured it out though. 

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Honored Contributor

It appears that, currently, for a file geodatabase with established domains published to AGOL as a "hosted feature service" will not respect the domains due to a bug.

From Mike Minami:  "This is a bug that is on track to be fixed in the Nov/Dec time frame. Publishing from Desktop is the way to go until the fix goes out."

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MVP Alum

Jerry: Use the append tool.

It looks like you have completed the first two steps that I use for this process.  1: Create a geodatabase with domains and a feature class that matches your point data file, and 2: Convert spreadsheet data into a point file.

The next step is to append the point data to the empty feature class.  Open the empty feature class and the point file in ArcMap. Use the append tool found in the toolbox: Data Management Tools > General > Append. The point file will be the input dataset, and the empty feature class will be the target. For Schema Type, I usually select NO_TEST. The Field Map control sets how data is transfered from the point file to the feature class. Click on Show Help >Tool Help for additional information on this tool.  Once appended, take a look at the attribute table of your feature class to make sure everything appended correctly and edit fields if needed.

The point file can then be removed from your map document.  Finish tweaking, then share it as a service on AGOL.

Hope this helps.

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