I am working with an offline web map in Collector, and every time I come back online and sync features, I receive an error message:
"A sync direction of upload was specified, but there were no local edits or upload is not enabled for this service"
Sync DOES succeed, but the message is annoying. Any ideas as to how to remove this?
What kind of services are you using? Hosted Feature Services from ArcGIS Online or Services from ArcGIS Server? Are you using Collector on iOS, Android, or Windows?
If you have hosted feature services on ArcGIS Online, do you have multiple feature services or just layers from a single feature service?
I have seen this error before when you have separate hosted feature services in a single web map, download the map, and only make changes to one of the feature services.
BUG-000093912: When making edits on a single hosted feature service..
All layers are AGOL-hosted feature services. My web map architecture is
simple: one feature layer with data collection features, and one feature
layer with several uneditable reference layers. Feature access for the
reference layers was set at Query and Sync only, and for data collection
layers I checked all boxes.
I have only encountered this behavior on Apple products, but I have not
tested on an Android yet.
I did select Push Only on my Apple.
Thanks for the info,
If those reference layers come from completely separate feature layers (aka you published each one separately to AGOL), then the above bug would be expected. The workaround would be to publish all the necessary data into a single hosted feature service or disable push only.
Do you have an idea when this bug will be fixed?
Our architecture involves data collection feature layers that are loaded
with many different reference layers for many different web maps covering
many mines. We have had problems with photo syncing, and we have found
that using push only alleviates those problems. It's also not trivial for
us to change to an architecture of creating a single feature layer for both
collection and reference layers. So you can see that this is an important
bug fix for us.
I see that the bug is "In product plan", but I can see if there is a planned release.
You may need to escalate the status of this bug. You can do this through MyESRI. The bug number is BUG-000093912
OK, thanks Dan