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Collector - offline error - can´t create (save) feature

03-12-2015 07:39 AM
Deactivated User


I am having this issue with Collector - when trying to edit offline, it is not possible to save created feature. It is possible to create feature (choose template, set location, fill the attributes), but when I tap the "OK mark" (top left corner), the feature disappears! No error or warning message is shown, the feature simply disappears. It is the same when trying to copy feature (that has been created before) - copying and editing works, when trying to save feature it disappears.

It works online without any problem.

Have you ever seen this error?

I hope Russell Roberts or someone from his team will help... According to previous issue (Collector crash - offline, copy feature​ ) I have created AGOL group, shared the web map with that group and invited Collector4ArcGIS into that group.

Collector for ArcGIS 10.3 (1010)

Android 4.4.2

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (SM-P605)

feature services from own ArcGIS Server 10.2.2

Thank you!

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

I can reproduce the issue. I notice one field is not editable (Zkontrolovano editable: false). Is it a required field? Could you try to set Zkontrolovano field to be editable and publish feature service again and see if it helps?


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