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Collector Issues: Related Tables, Attachments and Opening with ArcMap

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02-24-2015 01:29 PM
Occasional Contributor

Thank you ESRI, this latest update has been excellent! My organization had actually been developing our own mobile app so that we could easily collect data (requiring relationships) in the field; when it was announced in 10.3, that these capabilities were being added to collector, we were very excited! That being said, I'm having a couple of issues--- I'm not sure if they are features that haven't been developed yet or if I'm doing something incorrect.

Refer to this map, it is just a test map so you can feel free to add your own features to test out the functionality:

My three tables look like this:

Restoration Projects:

     - Object ID

     - Project ID

     - Polygon Field

     - Name and a few more text fields that aren't important

Project Features:

     - Object ID

     - ProjectKey (related to Restoration Projects 'Project ID' Field)

     - Point Field

     - Date and other fields

     - Attachment

Monitoring Records:

     - Object ID

     - FeatureKey (related to Project Features 'Object ID' Field)

     - Date/comment and other fields

     - Attachment

Projects 1:M--> Project Features 1:M--> Monitoring Records

I can create ‘Projects’ in the app just fine. Displaying how many ‘Features’ a Project has in the popup works in the ArcGIS Online viewer but not Collector. In Collector, it leaves Feature Count blank.

Problem #1 - Collector seems to not show related table information correctly in popups

Creating a Feature works just as I'd hoped. You click on the Project area, go to "New" at the bottom of the pop up form and create a feature for that project. Collector smartly adds the correct ProjectKey information into that Feature so that my users do not have to know the Project ID or type it in continuously when they are creating Project Features. Everything works great here. I click view and can see my Project Feature has been added nicely and displays correctly. The problem lies in the next step, the nested related table, adding a “Monitoring Record” for that Feature. I click "New" at the bottom of the Feature, and immediately I notice that the FeatureKey is not filled in. This is a bummer since it worked so well for the Project Feature previously.

Problem #2 - My Monitoring Records do not automatically add the FeatureKey to the field

I do not want my co-workers to have to remember the FeatureKey that they are creating a Monitoring Record for (likely, they won't be able to). Oddly enough, if I leave that field blank while filling out the Monitoring Records form, the Monitoring Record is still related to the Project Feature. I'm not sure how, since that field appeared to be blank.

So I change my use back to the ArcGIS Online viewer: Project Data is correct, Feature data is correct and attachments are working, here’s the kicker--- and I cannot view the Monitoring Records attachment. (That seems to be the only problem with the Online viewer. Other than this, I'm very happy with how well that works.)

Problem #3 - I can't see attachments for my table

Next it's time to open the data in ArcMap. Online, I browse to My Content, click on my Feature Layer and select Open in ArcGIS for Desktop. It downloads a file that I click and opens up ArcMap (this is a very nice way to do this, simple and easy to use). I see my Project and Feature data. I click the Project I created and it shows the Feature relationship it has. That Feature has an attachment as well that loads via my Windows Photo Viewer. (Great!) And then I notice that my Feature does not have any Monitoring Records associated with it. I then click the "List By Source" and notice that my Monitoring Records table doesn't seem to be included with the Service.

Problem #4 - ArcGIS Online doesn't seem to attach my related table to the service given to ArcMap

Those are the issues I'm having. Sorry that was long winded, I wanted to explain my scenario thoroughly. I'm nervous writing all this as I'll probably get a response of "you did your relationship wrong," or something simple like that. But I hope I gave you guys enough information to see my problems.

Thanks again for the 10.3 release, it has some very exciting uses! If I need to attach any files for people to test out, let me know.

40 Replies
Deactivated User

Ok invite sent, the map in question is the Collector AB-Archy REL Test

and the service is Collector_Archy_Data_REL

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Hi Mason,

Don't know if it helps but in terms of not being able to view attachments in related tables, we have changed our related tables to feature layers for this very reason. It was important that our operatives could take pictures on the ground and that these could be viewed in the office and passed on where appropriate. To make it work we did the following:

  1. We placed a filter on the sub feature layers so they can't be seen or accessed directly from the map, and thus act like a related table. I know this probably takes up more credits etc but the ability to view attachments both in the Collector app and in ArcGIS Online was important enough for our teams
  2. We then added unique searchable fields on these hidden layers, that could be accessed from the search bar at the top. Currently, we are asking the teams to retype the Object ID into a text box.
  3. When selecting view related records from the appropriate parent feature, the hidden features still come up in the table pop up at the bottom.
  4. If you then select the appropriate layer in the search box and search for the chosen sub feature, you will be taken to its location and pop up box. From there you can view all the attachments or edit if necessary.

Know it sounds long winded and in all likelihood I'm probably taking advantage of a bug more than anything but its actually relatively intuitive to work this way and means the recent Collector update can be used fully by us.



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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Andy,

This is an interesting and creative workaround, however have you run into any issues going this route? So basically you are suggesting to create a blank feature class that would get populated with attributes much like a standard database table, however would never receive any geometry and thus no map locations correct? This blank feature class could then be related back to your base table (main feature class) and also have photo attachments enabled. Going this route you can view the related table and photos in both Collector and ArcGIS Online?

If this works I might consider it as my current hesitations using the standard related table approach is two fold: ArcGIS Online can't see the photo attachments that are associated with the related table, additionally in ArcMap selecting/interacting with photo attachments is cumbersome.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Hi All!

I wanted to add my two cents on this issue for everyone posting comments on this thread.
This issue has been logged with our developers, as seen below for everyone’s records. Overall, this issue is being worked on, and the developers are aware of this issue within the current version of Collector 10.3.2.

BUG-000086534: Photo attachments in a related table are visible in Collector for ArcGIS but
not visible when viewing the related records in ArcGIS Online map viewer.

Status: Assigned

Thanks, All!

Frequent Contributor

Thanks for locating and posting this bug, at least I know I can stop searching for a solution that doesn't exist.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks for the info, any idea when a solution/fix might be in place?

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Regular Contributor

I am interested as well.  I have a presentation next week to discuss our results from using Collector this summer and would like to know about attachments in related tables and editing related records in ArcGIS online.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Gracias All!

At the moment the bug is still at the “Assigned” status, which still means a developer is looking into this with a plan on a fix. I understand several of our users are looking for this to be fixing but I will say that this week since the release of 10.3.4 last Friday (Oct. 9th). Our development teams are dedicated to the current bug below, which is very crucial to all of our users. I am also providing a blog and a kb article is any of you guys maybe being affected by this update. Thanks, Al!!

Due to regression BUG-91399 Esri has temporarily removed Collector for ArcGIS (iOS) 10.3.4 from the Apple App Store as it included a software defect that causes data loss in devices storing local edits that had not been synced. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause your organization and expect Collector for ArcGIS to be available in the App Store in the next few days.
See KB article #45631 for additional details,
Bug:  Collector for ArcGIS (iOS) 10.3.4 Has Been Temporarily Removed From the App Store
Esri will announce the availability of Collector for ArcGIS 10.3.5 on the Apple App Store through this KB article as well as on the ArcGIS blog.
Collector for ArcGIS v10.3.4 is out
BUG-000091399-Upgrading to Collector for iOS version 10.3.4 deletes any existing maps previously downloaded to the iOS device and deletes edits that haven't yet been synced.
Status: Assigned


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Frequent Contributor


Can I get a progress update on this bug? I don't see a link for it.  Has it been resolved? I am still having issues viewing attachments from collector in arcmap

Deactivated User

Hola Melanie,

I wanted to see if you were referring to "BUG-000091399". If you are, this has been resolved and seen at the release of Collector 10.3.5. I hope this helps on your posting, if not please let me know. Gracias, Melanie!

Collector for ArcGIS (iOS) v10.3.5 is now available from the iTunes App Store to resolve issues associated to Collector for ArcGIS v10.3.4 on iOS only.
