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collector-geometric networks-replicas

09-24-2015 08:00 AM
Frequent Contributor

So I want to start using collector to capture new water and sewerline developement along with any new addition i.e. valves,manholes ect.

My issue / question is that our default sde DB has geometric networks. And I know that collector doesn't support geometric networks. Is it possible to have a replica of our main (default) DB without the geometric network so that can be used for data collection then have the data check back in to our default which has the geometric network?

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7 Replies
Frequent Contributor


Thanks for the link. But my work around was to create a two-way replica with the child being "simple" and the parent our default having geometric network. So when I sync to the field collection sde child replica it strips out the G.N. and we can use it in collector. then when we check back in to our default it recreates the GN  just have to snap to the appropriate water or sewer lines, until ESRI eventually, (some day i hope), gets around to allowing snapping in collector. Until then collector is very limited in field collection of valves, hydrants, manholes, and other utilities that need snapped to lines in my opinion anyways. 

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Esri Contributor


I understant it.

There is an enhancement request :

Bug ENH-000097868 : Enable feature snapping in Collector for ArcGIS app


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Frequent Contributor

Did you get this to work?  I was thinking of doing a similar workflow.

Also, it looks like if the basemap used in Collector is in the same coordinate system as your feature service that editing in Collector should work just fine?

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Frequent Contributor


yes. it is working OK for us. Just have to make sure that when you sync back to your db with the geometric network, that you adjust the line and other features that are on that particular line segment. (i.e. appurtenances, etc) that become skewed when the valve, hyd, manhole, etc, get moved to their new location. 

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Frequent Contributor


Are you using Versioning in your environment? Or are all edits being made directly to DEFAULT in both replicas?

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Frequent Contributor

Yea, we are not doing versioning. field edits are made to the child default gdb, then synced to our parent default. We are a smaller company, so it's not like we have 10-20 different people editing or collecting field data on a regular basis. Our GIS department consists of two people. So, data QA/QC not hard for us to maintain by doing it this way. Hope this helps.

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