I am building a recreation land use Collector app which has a date field. I want to be able to restrict users to only being able to enter the current date, and not be able to enter a past date (or a future date, for that matter). This is because I want to discourage users from adding features from memory. This app will be used to track damage as a result of recreation, and it is important that users cannot change the date. I have read research that mentioned the date can be restricted in other platforms like ArcPad, but I do not know how or even if this can be done using Collector.
Does anyone know how to restrict a date field in Collector to the current date?
Thanks for the help,
Hi Nisha,
Do you have editor tracking enabled for the feature service? This will create fields within the feature service that show who created a feature, and the date/time it was created. It will also report the same for when it was last updated.
Yes, I do have editor tracking enabled. Thanks!
This would be a useful feature to have. Being able to restrict a date to either Current, Current or Past, Past, etc. In my scenario (similar to Nisha), we want people to update as regularly as possible, but there may be delays due to the nature of our work meaning backdating is required. Projecting forwards though should not happen, so it would be good if we could disable that. It would also be good if a 2nd date field could be restricted to not be back dated beyond a date set in a previous date field (i.e. Start and End dates of a harvesting operation).