Support for Contingent Values in ArcGIS Online

05-17-2019 08:39 AM
Frequent Contributor

Contingent Values in ArcGIS Pro helps data technicians in the office to efficiently manage the ensure the integrity of their data. Light data users could take advantage of this as well through ArcGIS Online whether in the office or using Collector in the field, making sure that data entry is simple and effective and that the data is of highest quality.

Use Case: Road Sign Technicians using Collector enter a sign code and then see the possible values available for other attributes. Stop signs have 3 sizes available, and In-Street Pedestrian Crossing signs have 2 sizes available, and so on.

Thanks team!


Is there any official word from ESRI on the status of this? This is pretty mission critical for our school district. 


Levi - what I posted on Friday is as much as I know.  I didn't get the sense that this was something ESRI was going to rush to fix ASAP but the tech did everything he could to escalate it it sounds like.  My ESRI case for this was 02501180 if you wanted to contact them and use that as reference.  I agree that it is critical to have this functionality available.  What was the point of implementing it in Pro but having it be non-functional in AGO/Portal/Collector?


Hi Levi, the product team have been listening to the great feedback posted on this thread. At this time, the status of "Under Consideration" is still accurate as the team works through the complexity of implementing this, but I'd like to thank you and everybody else for posting your requirements here. I'd also like to encourage others to continue sharing how implementing contingent values in ArcGIS Online will help your workflows. Thanks!


Hi Thomas.  As one of the more vocal users championing this upgrade, it's great to know that ESRI is listening!  I believe that this lack of functionality is affecting a great many users out there.  When I first attempted to use contingent values, I completely assumed the functionality would carry thru to ArcGIS Online because it seems to tie into field collection efficiency so well.  I was taken aback when this was not the case.  Collector is ESRI's "bread and butter" field collection software and I am 100% sure that having the ability to use contingent values would go a long ways in positively impacting our workflows.  Thanks for your input!


Thank you for the info, Thomas. I also really appreciate ESRI’s attentiveness to this issue. We’re using a combination of a secured services from a stand-alone GIS Server (hopefully a federated Enterprise soon) and AGOL. With everything that’s happening with COVID, we’re leveraging Collector and Survey123 to quickly create apps for the evolving situation. Contingent values will really help us streamline everything. 


Concur with Levi, really would be useful for COVID.



I really want to stress the fact that Contingent Values needs to be implemented in ArcGIS Enterprise aswell as ArcGIS Online.
We are using ArcGIS Enterprise in our utility, and we do a lot of datacollection in the field using Collector and also using webapps created by WebAppBuilder.
Contingent Values is so important for data quality !!

So Contingent Values needs to be respected if you do editing using Collector or a web app.
So you need the Runtime to respect this, and you also need to support this in the edit widgets in WebAppBuilder.

All our editing workflows will be impacted by Contingent Values, making sure we always have data quality.




Is there any news on the implementation of this functionality? I'm being asked to develop collector apps for school reopening teams in preparation for fall. They won't be able to use the apps unless we can tie rooms to sites. This is a pretty urgent need. We need to be able to keep parents informed about COVID-19 safety measures, which rooms are being cleaned and when, etc. 


In addition to use in Collector, this would be great to integrate into QuickCapture as well.