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Where can I buy / download CityEngine rule packages from?

03-01-2016 09:31 PM
Deactivated User

I want some rule packages created but I have not the skill to build them how I want. Where is a good place to look or commission someone to create?

12 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I might just be missing it, but I do not see the tutorial data for download from the provided link.  From this link it appears to be directing those seeking the download to go to CityEngine help.

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by Anonymous User
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We have many that have and many that have not been posted yet. What kind of rules are you looking for?


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Deactivated User

Mainly generic buildings of various cultures.

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by Anonymous User
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If you look inside the CityEngine project that is built in, called ESRI.lib, there are several rules there concerned with making buildings. Most of our photographic facade images are European or American. Do live in or near any of the regions that you are interested in? We are working on methods where you can take photos of buildings and create libraries for different regions. Have camera, will travel?

Deactivated User


I need some styles for buildings from several regions around the world. I have seen the inbuilt ones but wondered if there were any others?

The topic I am researching is looking at autonomous re-creation of buildings from various data sources such as satellite data.

I would like to know more about your new methods.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

You might look into a company named Pictometry - they are a vendor of 3D buildings that are exact replicas. Some systems we use internally use LIDAR point clouds along with 2D building footprint polygons to derive building forms, and then we use "geotypical" facade images to give them a realistic look - but we need to grow our libraries to include more regions. This is a work in progress.


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Deactivated User

Hi Chris,

I need to create rules that represent generic Florentine medieval-style apartment buildings but white. I am thinking we might work off the Venice or Pompeii ruleset, but these are pretty different in terms of assets and we are not good at CGA. Can you give me an idea of what it would cost to hire a CGA script person who would help us create our facade and extrusion rules for this project? I am kind of tearing my hair out on this!



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Emerging Contributor


Do you have a rule package for street lamps etc?


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